18 Hole Rate: £50 per buggy
36 Hole Rate: £75 per buggy
12 buggies are available for visitor hire and booking in advance of arrival is strongly advised.
Any visitors looking to bring their own buggy will be required to show an insurance certificate and sign a form at the golf reception before teeing off; those hiring buggies will also need to sign a form.
We have a limited number of electric trolleys (Motocaddy's) that can be reserved in advance of your visit.
18 Hole Rate: £15 per electric trolley
36 Hole Rate: £20 per electric trolley
In addition we have pull trolleys to hire at a cost of £5 which are hired on a first come first served basis.
For more details, along with our terms and conditions, please contact our helpful Golf Shop team on
01526 351831
or by email to the Golf Shop Team - golf.shop@woodhallspagolf.com